girls making hot chocolate

Holt Bosse Spreads Good Cheer

Santa's elves at Holt Bosse are doing something different this year. 

The St. Joseph-based advertising company is focusing their annual holiday Good Cheer community giveback on a group often overlooked: children.

“We’re bringing good cheer by helping local elementary children pay off their school lunch debt and stay warm with new winter coats, hats and gloves,” said Erika Anthony, an account executive and one of the lead planners for Good Cheer. 

In addition to donating coats they have purchased, Holt Bosse employees will be at St. Joseph Today’s Window Wonderland event on Dec. 2, from 7-8:30 p.m. serving up warm beverages and accepting coat donations in front of the St. Joseph Today office at 301 State St., downtown St. Joseph. Holt Bosse Content Director Katie White is also a St. Joseph Today Board member. She said the event is a perfect opportunity to share Holt Bosse’s holiday project with others roaming downtown that night — whether they participate by donating or grabbing a free hot cocoa.

If anyone sees kids' coats or warm winter layers like gloves, scarves and hats on sale, Anthony encourages them to please consider purchasing some to donate. Size and color do not matter — someone will be able to benefit from the kind donation. If anyone wants to help but doesn’t have coats to donate, they can also donate money toward school lunch debts.