Exterior building shot at night
Exterior of Allegretti Architect house through the woods
Exterior of Allegretti Architect house drone view
Exterior of Allegretti Architect house

Make No Small Plans

Allegretti Architects’ focus on blended natural environments with sustainability, functionality, and craftsmanship can be felt by every owner, heard from every client, and seen in every photo of its work. Our work with the Southwest Michigan architecture firm resulted in a visual testament to human creativity and ingenuity.

Exterior of Allegretti Architect house aerial view
Exterior of Allegretti Architect house AddressExterior of Allegretti Architect house
Kitchen Interior of Allegretti Architect house
Bathroom of Allegretti Architect house
Interior staircase of Allegretti Architect house
Staircase at Allegretti Architect house
Stair light fixtures of Allegretti Architect house

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